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Man Up

Open To Basic Graduates

Modern Masculinity for an upside-down world

What is Masculinity? The answer to this question is one that has changed over time, with the different eras and cultures. However, regardless of these differences, there is a common thread that weaves these concepts of masculinity together that transcends culture and time.

As masculinity as a concept has evolved, much has been gained. Some of its core has been compromised and much has also been lost, to the detriment of both men and society. In MAN UP! we will explore how much of who we are as men has been lost in past decades, as we talk about the things most men never dare.

In this workshop we will explore:

  • The thin line that separates Masculinity from Toxic Macho
  • How to feel confident in your relationships through your true Masculinity
  • How to create and ask for what you need in relationships
  • Being a man in a modern world, where both your Masculinity and Femininity are required
  • Learn the secrets that make you attractive to both men and women
  • Learn how to evoke your partner’s true self

Man Up! is a space created by men, for men, to create the modern Masculinity that the world demands.

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Tuition $199

In-Person 1-day Workshop Schedule:
(Times are based on PST)


  • Training Starts: 10:00 am
  • Ends Approximately: 7:00 pm